Work Management

How to manage work with automation on a collaboration platform?

November 29, 2023 • 9 mins • By Vineet Rauniyar

In a nutshell of endless notifications and never-ending tasks, finding productivity can feel like a mission impossible. 

Well, fear not! Say hello to the future of productivity with automation on a collaboration platform. 

This article will explain every detail of how to manage work with automation on a collaboration platform. 

So, get ready for a deep dive into the significance of automation and how it supercharges team productivity. 

We’ll also explore top-notch collaboration platforms with advanced automation features, for seamless teamwork. 

But before we jump in, let’s understand why automation has become increasingly important in a workspace.

The increasing importance of automation in work

automation and collaboration platform

In a modern working environment, automation is crucial in the workspace. That’s because automation takes care of routine tasks, leaving teams more time for creative work.

Well, if you’re not quite familiar with the concept of automation, let me provide some clarification for you.

To put things in a simple perspective, imagine automation as an assistant that performs tasks the way we want them to be done, all on their own. This not only saves time but also boosts accuracy, and consistency, and cuts down on errors.

Actually, due to its ability to execute tasks with minimal or no human intervention, automation has emerged as a transformative force. That’s the reason, in modern times automation and collaboration revolutionizing the way we work, collaborate, manage, and achieve our goals.

Just to give you a glimpse of automation power, according to The American Institute of Stress, 83% of U.S. workers face job stress due to communication issues.

However, automation comes to the rescue. It streamlines communication, allowing teams to collaborate seamlessly. 

This, in turn, significantly reduces stress among employees. And, this positive change not only enhances efficiency but also contributes to creating a more supportive work environment.

Evidently, in any organization, regardless of its type or size, productivity, efficiency, and job satisfaction are facilitated through automation. Interestingly, it has impacted every department of an organization. 

Image source: Workato

All in all, we can say that automation is no longer a choice but a key factor in shaping the structure of our work for the better. So, implementing automation in a workspace creates a more balanced, stress-free, productive, and hassle-free working environment.

How to manage work with automation on a collaboration platform?

How to manage work with automation on a collaboration platform?

A collaboration platform serves as a digital workplace where teams communicate, coordinate, and work together. Moreover, managing work with automation on a collaboration platform is like having a helpful assistant who takes care of repetitive tasks.

In this platform, you can set automation rules that trigger specific actions based on predefined conditions. For example, you can automate tasks such as creating new tasks when a customer support ticket is received.

Nevertheless, teams can also automate time-consuming tasks in a collaboration platform. This could include scheduling meetings, sending messages and emails, creating to-do lists, assigning tickets, and more.

Also, you can use automation in the collaboration platform to monitor tasks, work progress, set priorities, get task completion status, etc

You can also automate the following aspects on a collaboration platform and increase the efficiency of your work management.

  • Optimize social media scheduling.
  • Enhance marketing strategies by leveraging automated analytics for real-time insights and informed decision-making.
  • Monitor project progress and team performance through automated tracking of project reports.
  • Helps to create tickets when issues are mentioned.
  • Elevate customer experience by automating the analysis of feedback, facilitating quicker responses and continuous service improvement.
  • And more

In essence, automation on collaboration platforms is the key to unlocking a more streamlined and productive work environment. It allows teams to focus on the creative and strategic aspects of their work.

Which collaboration platform is best to manage work with automation?

How to manage work with automation on a collaboration platform?

Navigating the vast array of collaboration platforms can be daunting. Especially when seeking a platform that perfectly aligns with your team’s needs and boosts their productivity. 

On the contrary, you may come across options like Slack and Microsoft Teams during your research on collaboration platforms. However, you will encounter limitations in terms of project management with these platforms. 

Nevertheless, there is a comprehensive solution that exists in the form of anydone—an all-in-one AI-powered collaboration platform. It’s designed to foster seamless team collaboration and streamline project management as well.

Not only that, it’s the best collaboration platform that stands out with its diverse set of advanced tools and provides automation at your fingertips.

Let’s dive deeper into anydone features which makes it one of the best collaboration platforms to manage work with automation. 

Automation features of anydone to manage work effectively

With anydone, you can elevate your work with a plethora of automation features and we call it AiDone. 

Basically, AiDone is an automation ecosystem of anydone that aims to simplify tasks, increase productivity and optimize workflows for unparalleled effectiveness.

So now, let’s explore anydone’s automation ecosystem AiDone one by one

Zipy – ask anything, do everything

ai powered collaboration platform anydone

Zipy is a generative AI personal assistant. It can write clean and standard code. Also, it can generate quality content as well. 

Other than that, it can help with brainstorming and provide accurate information on any topic. 

It’s easy to use and helps to interact with anydone. For example, with the help of Zipy, you can monitor team member’s task progress, set automated responses, set reminders, and more. 

Plus, you can get a clear picture of your team member’s completed, pending, and ongoing tasks easily. 

Moreover, you can ask Zipy to generate to-do lists also. 

Furthermore, you have the capability with the help of Zipy to request information from any team members of your workspace. 


best collaboration platform with automation anydone

anydone’s AI-Bots are built to streamline tasks and help manage routine tasks. These AI-bots can perform targeted actions and alleviate the burden of mundane work.

Well, the best part? you can tailor these bots to your team’s specific needs and seamlessly integrate them into your workflow. 

For example, whether it’s a team of marketing, developers, HR, or any other, you can customize anydone AI-Bots and make them do the task that you want to. 

Once you customize the AI-Bots you can add them to your anydone CoSpace and let them do the repetitive work, while you focus on what you do best. 

So basically, anydone AI-Bots is not just about automation, it’s about making work life more easier and smoother.


anydone project management software

In the realm of project management, the traditional task assignment process can be daunting. Manually searching for team members to assign new tasks is not only time-consuming but also mundane.

Here’s where the anydone feature, auto assign, comes in. Its core purpose is to streamline the ticket assignment process and make project management a seamless and effortless experience.

Suppose, you’re handling a collaborative project with multiple team members. Instead of spending time manually assigning tasks, auto-assign does the heavy lifting for you. 

Actually, anydone’s auto-assign feature analyzes the tasks of project members, identifying those with the fewest or no tasks remaining. Upon its findings, it automatically assigns tasks to the team member with the least workload.

Simply, it’s the modern solution to project management hiccups, making project manager’s work life simpler and more efficient.


best project management software  anydone

MeetAssit of anydone is basically an automation feature that acts as a meeting assistant for increasing meeting productivity. It can generate accurate transcription, transforming spoken words into written text.  

In addition, you can quickly grasp meeting discussions by accessing instant summaries or meeting minutes derived from this transcribed text. 

It comes with a convenient search function to efficiently locate specific information within the transcribed text. This aims to boost time management and information access. 

Nonetheless, anydone’s MeetAssist breaks down language barriers with the ability to translate transcribed text into multiple languages. By doing this, it promotes collaboration regardless of the meeting attendees’ spoken language. 

Along with that, it also has a unique feature called actionable items that helps you to create a ticket and assign it based on discussed issues and problems in a meeting. 

Moreover, with MeetAssit you can schedule tasks, set reminders, create tickets, etc. 


How to manage work with automation on a collaboration platform?

Refine your writing and make it more impactful with the power of anydone’s automation. For example, you can effortlessly correct grammatical errors accurately. 

You can also establish a personal connection with your teams, customers, clients, shareholders, etc by changing your message into different tones in a single click. 

In addition to that, with anydone’s refine feature you can convey your message, with clarity by shortening your longer message. 

Or, you can enhance message depth by providing additional context to your short messages, offering a more comprehensive understanding.

Most interestingly, with its advanced translation option, you can communicate and collaborate across diverse languages.


Perhaps by going through this article, you may have realized that a collaboration platform is not just a modern convenience, it’s a necessity. 

The integration of automation in these platforms lets teams manage work efficiently and unlock utmost productivity. 

Remember, automation is not just a tool – it’s a transformative force that has the power to push your team toward collaborative success. 

Not just that, leveraging a collaboration platform that has robust automation features gives a competitive advantage too.

Therefore, to meet all your team needs, anydone – an AI-powered collaboration platform is the best.

anydone offers an array of automation features to enhance productivity and bring teams closer to get things done.

Interestingly, you can be a part of anydone’s growing community for free. Or, to discover its full feature you can check out its pricing and get started in no time.