Using anydone

What is anydone | AI- powered collaboration platform

September 13, 2023 • 10 mins • By Vineet Rauniyar

Have you ever struggled to keep track of your team’s tasks and projects? Or have you found that your productivity suffers when you work with remote team members? If so, you may need a collaborative platform.

For today’s businesses, a collaborative platform has become essential. Whether it’s a startup or a large corporation, you need a tool that manages the team’s workflow and increases productivity. And that’s where anydone comes in.

It’s a powerful collaboration platform that can help you streamline your team’s tasks, manage deadlines, and enhance communication. And in this article, we’ll be extensively exploring anydone’s features, tools, and benefits.

But first, let’s understand what is anydone?

What is anydone?

anydone is an AI-powered collaboration platform offering advanced digital workspace. Its comprehensive tools and features promote coordination, collaboration, and productivity. It enables you to manage projects, tasks, and overall organization workflow. 

Furthermore, it provides a complete suite of essential instruments to manage and complete projects effortlessly.

Plus, it guarantees your team can effortlessly stay aligned, handle their responsibilities, and communicate clearly.

All in all, anydone is a comprehensive virtual collaboration solution that cultivates teamwork and productivity to attain organizational objectives easily.

Some of the key features of anydone


anydone Subjects help to make your long and cluttered discussions organized and keep them clear. You can create subjects in direct messages or in CoSpaces. 

Basically, you can add specific members from the main CoSpace and have focused conversations without making the main CoSpace overwhelmed with messages. 

In this way, you can have discussions on specific topics with specific team members.


CoConnect helps you to communicate and collaborate with your teams in real time. It allows you to connect with your teams and engage in interactions regardless of location or time zone. 

It has built-in noise suppression so you can CoConnect with teams and bring them together and discuss without any background noise and disturbance.  

Most importantly during your CoConnect, you can share screens, add members, collaborate on virtual CoVas, and more. 


Meet-Assist is basically an AI-powered meeting assistant for making meetings more productive and engaging. It can generate meeting transcriptions automatically, summaries, and meeting notes. 

In addition, it also has unique features and actionable items. Generally, the features allow you to take instant action regarding the issues and bugs discussed during the meeting. 

Other than that, it can also help you to schedule CoConnect, set reminders, and more.


anydone CoVas is a virtual board that allows the team to brainstorm, and present ideas, and solutions collaboratively. You can create multiple CoVas and work with a team in real-time together. 

In anydone CoVas is integrated in DMs, CoSpaces, tickets, and CoConnect. This allows a team to discuss and brainstorm on different topics with different team members at once. 


anydone’s Zipy is a generative AI personal assistant. It is designed to automate various tasks like auto-replies, auto-creating and sending messages, scheduling, creating to-do lists, and many more. 

It allows you to monitor team member’s progress, set reminders, etc. Moreover, since it is also a generative AI, it is advanced enough to write standard code. Plus, you can generate high-quality content as well.


Auto assign is one of the unique and exceptional features anydone has to offer. Those days are gone days when you have to search manually to assign any task to a team member. 

This feature analyzes project members’ workload and availability and assigns tasks automatically. This results in the team completing their project efficiently. 

It saves time so that the team can complete the projects faster and quicker.


AI-Bots take care of your repetitive tasks so teams can focus on the work that is more important and creative. 

Most importantly, you can train these bots according to your needs. You can train it, feed data, and transform it into exactly what your team needs. 

Not just that, you can also add these bots to your CoSpaces to streamline your workflow and handle mundane tasks.

External teams

The feature allows you to collaborate with teams outside of your workspace. You can invite shareholders, clients, vendors, or guests into your workspace to share ideas and communicate seamlessly. 

Not just workspace, you can invite them on specific projects, and CoSpaces for a limited time with limited access to your workspace.


Our Refinement feature aims to improve communication. It has the ability to change your normal text or message into different tones and correct grammar. 

Nevertheless, it has a translation feature attached where you can collaborate with teams in any language. Most importantly, you can do all these with one click.

Key Component of anydone

Team Collaboration

Effective team collaboration is the key to unlocking a team’s full potential in today’s business environment. 

And anydone is one of the best AI-powered collaborative platforms that offers essential tools and features for seamless teamwork and boosts productivity.

Being a collaborative platform, anydone provides a centralized digital workspace, so teams can be more collaborative.

It enables teams to communicate, share files, codes, mentions, reactions, and work together on projects and tasks, regardless of location and time zones. 

Furthermore, to make collaboration more effective, it has a translation feature. It allows you to communicate and coordinate with a team regardless of the language they speak. 

Project Management

Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources. Generally, every organization aims to complete projects within specific goals and objectives. 

And completing the project successfully requires strong leadership, clear communication, and continual progress monitoring.  

Nevertheless, with anydone, you can get extensive tools to manage projects. These tools make it easy to organize, plan and manage all project-related activities.

It facilitates real-time communication, easy-to-assign tasks, audio and video calls, and more.

On top of all, you can track changes to ensure that everyone is working together effectively. 

Moreover, managing a project becomes handy with anydone due to the following reasons:

  • Create projects as many as you like.
  • Enable you to effectively manage your project by setting deadlines and order to set high and low-priority tasks.
  • Empowers multiple assignees with features like comment threads, sprint creation, and more.
  • Agile-based tickets management system 
  • Easy to share projects with your clients, teams, or business stakeholders
  • And more

Meanwhile, successfully completing any project also requires a robust and effective task management system. And guess what, anydone provides a comprehensive task management system tailored to fulfill the team’s every need. 

Here, we’ve included all the necessary tools below that come with anydone for effective and efficient task management.

Task Management 

anydone is a powerful tool that assists teams in handling tasks seamlessly. It offers a centralized platform for teams to manage tasks, and understand their responsibilities clearly. 

This enhanced visibility in prioritizing tasks and ensured that every deadline is met.

Other than that, managing tasks with anydone become efficient as it offers a well-functioning ticket management system. 

Its ticket management system aids the team in completing tasks with utmost productivity. Also, it ensures that tasks are managed efficiently and that progress is tracked effectively. 

Its ticket management system allows for clear communication between team members, keeping everyone informed of the status of a task. 

This level of organization helps to avoid delays and enables tasks to be completed on time.

Some of the key features of anydone’s ticket management system are: 

  • Task folder and Scrum boards to manage, visualize and streamline flow of tasks.
  • Allows to import/export tickets without any fuss
  • It comes with ticket field suggestions. 
  • An advanced system that helps you to avoid ticket duplication
  • Ticket approval section so you can let your teams work on tickets that have top priority
  • Ticket checklist with multiple options
  • Extensive reports to evaluate the team’s progress
Innovative Workspace

With anydone, you can create multiple workspaces to manage diverse projects and teams effectively. 

You can effortlessly add members to your workspace, and invite teammates, partners, or clients to collaborate and stay connected.

With anydone, you can assign appropriate permissions to admins, members, and guests and secure information handling.

The collaborative platform anydone supports easy data import and export, facilitating hassle-free transitions between different platforms. 

Most importantly, the workspace interface is so simple that even a layman can use it efficiently and effectively. 

Nevertheless, anydone’s workspace is the ultimate productivity solution. 

It simplifies team collaboration and project management, empowering you to focus on what truly matters—achieving your goals.


The importance of automation in team management cannot be overstated. Nowadays, businesses and teams strive to maintain their competitive edge. 

Therefore, they must leverage the power of automation to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and ultimately achieve success. 

Similarly, anydone offers a robust automation system that improves efficiency, productivity, and overall success. 

The platform helps in time-saving and improves accuracy by minimizing the risks associated with the manual handling of tasks. 

With anydone automation, you can schedule your meeting effortlessly, ensuring you stay organized and punctual. 

It has several bots that help connect with the team – enabling easy, efficient communication and collaboration on tasks and projects.

Moreover, with anydone’s automation, you can also compose and send messages smoothly, track and assign tickets, evaluate performance, and more. 


Security is the utmost priority of anydone. It encrypts your messages and calls so that it can only be seen by you and the people you want to see them.

It also keeps your private data safe and follows all the security standards. It uses advanced algorithms and security measures to make sure your information is safe. 

anydone security measure ensures your data stored safely is not shared with anyone without your consent.

Moreover, to make your workspace safe, it sends a verification code, has two-factor authentication, and ensures it security measures are up to date.

Benefits of Using anydone

anydone offers an array of benefits that transform the way teams work together. Here are some of the key benefits of using anydone:

Better delegation and workload distribution: anydone streamlines task assignments, ensuring the right tasks are delegated to the right team members. This enables a more balanced workload distribution, enhancing overall productivity.

Remote work: One of our platform’s premium features is support for remote work. It allows team members to collaborate effectively from any location, bridging physical distance gaps and fostering a connected work environment.

Increased flexibility: Its extensive features are built to adapt to various team structures and workflows. Therefore, it ensures increased flexibility for teams to work in a manner that best suits their unique needs and requirements.

Increased transparency: It provides a clear overview of tasks, deadlines, and progress. Thus, providing these overviews promotes transparency within teams and improves trust.

Improved accountability: It offers transparent tracking of tasks, deadlines, and progress, ensuring team members are accountable for their work, resulting in improved performance and better outcomes.

Time and cost savings: By automating repetitive tasks, collaborative platforms reduce the time spent on administrative activities. This efficiency translates into cost savings and allows teams to focus on more strategic and value-added tasks.


In conclusion, anydone is an excellent platform for anyone looking to collaborate and get things done. With real-time collaboration tools, task, and project management tools, anydone provides everything you need to be productive and successful. 

In addition, anydone is a go-to collaborative platform that helps increase flexibility, accountability, seamless team collaboration, and transparency. It has a range of features and tools designed to meet the needs of modern workplaces. 

Moreover, it’s an all-in-one solution for businesses of all sizes. So save time and get started with anydone for free or choose your plan and start your journey right away.